
When we have the opportunity, moving our bodies for just 3 minutes every hour or so in a mindful way can help us to feel our very best, with greater energy and a clearer mind. A particularly effective way to feel better is to combine mindfulness with Qigong (pronounced “chi-gong”), the ancient Chinese method of combining body posture, movement, breathing and meditation.

Qigong was developed in China thousands of years ago, and is part of the system of Chinese medicine. Movements are soft, gentle and flowing. If you think that this sounds rather like Tai Chi, the Chinese martial art that also involves gentle movements, breathing and meditation, you’re right – because Qigong is also the foundation for Tai Chi.

There is evidence that practicing Qigong, even for just a few minutes a day, may improve health, fitness and quality of life. Research also indicates that it may help in particular to lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety and depression, strengthen the immune system and reduce pain. It has also been found to be potentially helpful for several other health conditions.

There is a ten minute video below to introduce Mindful Qigong, together with further short practices for you to try. If you find it enjoyable and helpful, you may like to search for local groups, other online resources, or to consider taking a training course such as the example beneath the introductory videos.