What is DiamondMindful?

Doing activities in a mindful way is helpful while we’re doing them, and also helps to allow the ability to be mindful inside all of us to develop further.

We can do any almost any activity mindfully, but we’ve chosen some particularly helpful ones.

Diamonds are valuable, have many facets, and symbolise what’s special inside all of us.

Click a diamond below to find out more.

Being mindful is…

By being ‘mindful’ we mean experiencing life moment by moment as it happens – living life in real time as it unfolds. Have you noticed how we often get caught up in reflecting on past events, often in an unhelpful way, causing stress. Or, imagining how a future event might pan out, sometimes imagining the worst-case scenario. Even drifting off into happy thoughts can cause us to miss important moments in our lives as they happen.

We can do any activity mindfully…

It’s possible to do virtually anything in a ‘mindful’, in the moment, way. Brushing teeth, washing-up and so on. Any form of mindful activity is beneficial. We have chosen to highlight certain activities that, when done mindfully, can be especially helpful. We have chosen walking because it is something we tend to spend a significant amount of time on, whether as a leisure activity, often getting out in nature, or because we simply need to walk to get somewhere. Running is popular too, both as a fun and therapeutic activity, and there can be a focus on performance too, where again, being mindful can help.

Staying Safe

Diamonds are valuable…

Diamonds are things of value – and we want to hand you something that you will find valuable. Diamonds are also multi-faceted, just as there are several facets to each mindful activity. They also symbolise the indestructible nature of what we all have inside us – including the ability to be mindful.

Staying safe…

Stay safe! If you choose to carry out mindful activities, please remember that you are responsible for your own safety. You are the expert in yourself and your capabilities. If you have any doubt about your ability to carry out a particular activity, please consult your GP or other appropriate health professional. Take care not to unduly push or strain your body.

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Not sure if we need this but could be good to have in case :)